How is it only Wednesday? Is it the weekend yet? Nope wrong meme!
The actual fact that part of this country wants Trump for POTUS again is beyond me. He’s reincarnated Hitler.
The fact that he wants generals like Hitler had is disturbing.
He thinks that the generals were loyal to Hitler. And he wants the military, which he has distain for to fall in line. He doesn’t know history. Because a good number of Hitler’s generals tried to kill Hitler. We can not let this man be POTUS again.
Such a fluffy doggy. Had to share her cuteness.
Ellen DeGeneres in her last comedy special talks about her #ADHD and how her brain get stuck in loops on stupid things. Mine does too.
The latest was the plural for leaf is leaves but for whatever reason I couldn’t grasp it for about 3 minutes until I clarified it with Meredith.
Ugh the fun of being neurospicy.
Another thing I found interesting is how I think of ADHD as a superpower, but other who have neurospicyness think for it as a gift but not necessarily a power.
Damn it! Leave Tim Walz alone, Russia!…
Wow this hits home in this climate.
So I finally decided to get out of the basement office and sit at Altomonte’s at their little cafe and work some. I had a Cafe Latte that was high octane and a yummy blueberry muffin. It felt good to get out.
I forget sometimes how frustrating CSS can be. Even with inspector on. Ugh.
The weather in the Philly suburb are crazy. At 8am it’s 40 degrees now it’s almost 80 degrees at 1pm. WTAF!
Climate change is real! Why can’t people realize this. And it might be too late to fix.
Computer is doing a big update to Windows 11. I’m finding that with a big keyboard Bluetooth-paired to my iPhone 15 pro, I’m actually pretty productive. Just can’t use the on-screen keyboard as well.
My goodness the new Win 11 update is taking forever to install. It better be worth it and have some cool features.
Honestly, I’m just waiting another year before I get a new computer… probably a Macintosh laptop of some sort.
Wow, nothing really looks different.
The Philadelphia 76ers putting their stadium in the heart of Old City Center City Philly isn’t a good idea!!!…
To be honest, that part of the city needs help, it’s pretty run-down, but aren’t there other things we can do to revitalize that area than put a traffic-clogging sports stadium down there? Also Chinatown will get decimated. But I guess the Mayor doesn’t give a f*ck. I’m not a huge fan of Mayor Parker.
I was going through some photos and found these pictures from our Honeymoon to Aruba. The second one Mere finds hilarious.
Love Altomonte’s they have great Italian finds. A local Doylestown treasure. Most things I find there are amazing. These Lime and Pink Pepper Potato Chips were awful, though.
I talked about my incredible Grandpa. Now here’s an even more amazing person. I know it’s not a competition. This is my father’s mother. My grandpa was my Mom’s father.
Grandma was my best friend. We had a very special relationship. I would call her all the time to talk and when I got old enough to drive I’d go up to North Jersey to visit her.
She had such energy and zest for life.
I tried to use to post my Mastodon posts to Bluesky. But I’m missing a step somewhere.
This is why the Fediverse et. al. isn’t getting “normies.”
I think I need to learn how to use Git. I’ve always just did one click installs for WordPress. In the past before the one click installs, I would FTP/SFTP WordPress over.
I’ve never been that proficient with the command line. I do want to learn though. Maybe now’s the time?!
If you don’t vote you’re definitely voting for Trump. If you do vote you can make your voice heard. I know the Electoral College is a f*cked up system, but you still need to vote. Especially for the down vote. The Electoral College only impacts the POTUS, not the other positions. So go vote.
Now do I hope you’ll stay away from the GOP and Fascism yes. But voting is your civic duty.
The leaves are certainly peeping right now!!!
I love Autumn and Spring. The other too months are too much for me. 😂
Well Yep!
My Grandpa was never a real cuddly guy. But he was an amazing guy. He could fix almost anything and was smart as a tack until the day he died.
He loved tennis and was a classic WWII Vet Generation guy.
He always dressed snazzy too.
Man he was just a baby when WWII started. Geezus to think Fascism is on the rise again. We have to stop it. If he was still alive he’d be all in for Kamala.
I can’t believe how old my 11 year old son is. I remember when he was just a wee lad. Now he’s a freaking tween.
My God. Why is DNS so complex.
I have my A pointing to the correct IP for I have www. pointing at my subdomain. Non-www points to!!!! errrrrr
So I gave up on I’m using
I guess this poor fella was waiting too long at the dentist. Though their teeth were pretty nice. LOL
Autumn is here! Thank God for nice, slightly chilled weather.
I’m not looking forward to the snow and shoveling, though!