Truth Dave Winer writes about links on the social web: Support for links is the basic requirement of the web, the same way we say feeds are required to be a podcast. If you don’t support links not only aren’t you the web, you’re anti-web. Manton Reece

Shrinking on Apple TV+ is a must watch

I’m almost done the 2nd season of Shrinking on Apple TV+ and it’s a must watch. Harrison Ford and Jason Segal are amazing in it and the supporting cast is nothing to slouch at either. Well worth subbing to Apple TV+ to watch this show!
Dinner was tasty tonight just not that pretty lol

The Web We Weave by Jeff Jarvis

I’m about 1/2 through Jeff Jarvis' latest book. It’s really good. I can hear Jeff’s voice in my head, because I listen to his podcasts and his rants on “Moral Panic” online. It’s worth a read. Currently reading: The Web We Weave by Jeff Jarvis 📚

I just donated to the WPCC

I just donated $10 to the WordPress Community Collective. The WP Community Collective - The WP Community Collective

Matt Mullenweg - The "Gift" That Keeps Giving

The gift thank keeps on giving. Matt Mullenweg is not right in the head. A must read from Joost on his blog. I’m honestly worried about Matt M’s well-being. He’s not acting stable. Breaking the Status Quo

Inc Article/"Hit Piece" on Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress/WPE Fiasco

Is Matt Mullenweg deserving of a piece like this being written about him in Inc. Magazine? Based on his nutty behavior… yes.… Is it a hit piece? I don’t know. I wouldn’t go that far. Though Matt would:… Now, is he just finding holes because it the article isn’t favorable to his take? Most likely. But I can tell you one thing, Matt needs to clean up this mess so that we can all move on.
Biden is in his right as POTUS to pardon his son. Any president would do this (or I’d hope so). But Biden does need to go further with the pardons. IMHO.

Can We Have A "Quick" Call?

Can we all just agree that sometimes “that call” could have been an email or a quick Loom video? Calls are exhausting. Often aren’t needed. When they are they’re great, but not when they could have been a Loom video, Scribe documentation, or even an email. Oh and it’s NEVER a quick call. NEVER <img src=“" width=“600” height=“597” alt=“Ben Affleck smoking looking exhausted. On top of the picture says “You got time for a quick call?

Internet Rules

Some epic social media. You shouldn’t ask the masses what they want to call something if you’re not gonna use it. Looking at you British Gov’t and Boaty McBoatface!!!!…